It's the school holidays and many separated parents will be heading on their summer holidays. If this applies to you, it is important to think about whether you need to get permission from the other parent before doing so. At this time of the year, there are many FAQs for taking a child abroad.

What If There Is A Court Order In Place About The Arrangements For My Child?

Where there is an arrangement in place, there may be provision made specifically for the school holidays which are set in stone or ‘loosely’ defined. For example –‘the child is to spend an equal amount of time with each parent during the school holidays’ or there may be set days that the child will spend time with that parent.

If there is a child arrangements order in force and it specifies who a child is to live with, they are legally able to take the child/children out of the UK for a holiday for up to 28 days without the consent of the other people with parental responsibility for that child/children.

What About The Parent With Whom The Child Does Not live With But There Is A Court Order?

Those with parental responsibility who are not named as the person the child is to live with would still need to have the consent of the other person/people with parental responsibility for the child.

What If There Isn’t A Court Order?

Where there is no child arrangement order in place, parents and/or other people wanting to take the child out of the UK on a holiday abroad will need consent from all people with parental responsibility for a child.

What Can I Do To Prevent Any Issues Whilst Away?

It is always best to obtain the consent from all of those with parental responsibility to confirm that they do not object to you taking the child abroad. This consent should be in writing, and you should take this with you on your journey.

Do I Need To Share Travel Information With The Other Parent?

It is always advisable to share your travel plans with the other parent to promote co-operation and positive parenting.

What If The Other Parent Won’t Let Me Take My Child Abroad?

You’ll need to apply to a Court for permission to take a child abroad if you haven’t got permission from the other people with parental responsibility. As part of that application, you will need to give details of the trip, and the contact details of people with parental responsibility staying in the UK.