Being a lawyer, it might be expected of me to come up with a list of names of inspirational women in law or politics, because there are so many, but for me, the first name that pops into my head when I think of inspirational women is Tina Fey.

Who is Tina Fey?

Tina Fey is an American comedy writer, actor, producer and author. She wrote of one of my favourite films, the legendary, Mean Girls.

She was the first female head writer for the long-running and hilarious American sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live and she has since written and starred in many other films and TV shows including my personal favourite TV show, 30 Rock.

30 Rock is loosely based on Tina’s time as head writer of SNL and the challenges she faced being a woman in a male dominated workplace. Her character, Liz Lemon, is always “trying to have it all”, with “it all” being a full time career, husband and children.

Tina’s writing often challenges the notion that women should have to choose between a career and a family and she highlights the unfair burden placed on women due to inequality in society. For example, in her book, Bossypants, she makes a comment on how strong-minded girls are often described negatively as ‘bossy’ but the same is never said about strong-minded boys. Rather, boys are rewarded for that sort of behaviour whereas girls are discouraged. Her comedy is not only very funny, it’s also intelligent and thought-provoking.

Tina has used her success as a platform to promote and credit other women. She often works closely with her female friends on projects and fights for equal pay and isn’t afraid to draw attention to inequalities. She also uses her status to support many charities and raise awareness of issues and injustice. And she does all this in addition to having a husband and raising two children.

That is just so fetch.