Personal Injury - Motorbike Accident Compensation Claim

A motorcycle accident compensation claim often involves fatal or serious injuries such as spinal, brain and head injuries, broken bones and amputations.

Often accidents are caused by other drivers failing to see motorcyclists or dangerous road conditions.

Our team have a wealth of experience of motorcycle accident claims and will ensure that your claim is not undersettled.

Motorcycle accident compensation claim – case studies

  • Our client’s widow was awarded £300,000 when he was killed by a car pulling out of a side road.
  • £400k in damages awarded in motorbike accident compensation claim to a biker who lost his lower left leg in an accident caused by a car overtaking on the wrong side of the road. He was unable to work but eventually got back on the road on a trike.

As Law Society Personal Injury Panel Members we are accredited experts in bringing this type of claim.

For further information, please contact us on 0800 011 6666 or at