Resolution Together is a new framework of working which involves separating or divorcing couples appointing one lawyer between them.
Our frequently asked questions may help those who are unsure if this approach is for them.
What is Resolution Together?
Resolution Together is a new way of working that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, about separation or a divorce. It has been spearheaded by Resolution, an organisation which promotes a non-confrontational approach to resolving family disputes, of which Timms’ Fiona Moffat and Adrian Rose are both members.
Is this an alternative way to the traditional approach?
Yes. Resolution Together involves separating or divorcing couples appointing one lawyer between them to reach an outcome. This approach empowers couples to reach a workable outcome for their situation and where appropriate their children and financial matters. Traditionally a Judge would decide these for you if you attended Court.
What are the benefits?
There are a number of benefits of using this approach particularly if a couple can agree on their desired outcomes and are prepared to be transparent. It can be quicker, less expensive and overall a more positive experience.
How do I know if Resolution Together is right for me?
As part of the initial screening interview, our experts will assess suitability. We need to be confident that both parties have a common interest, that there are no conflicts and both agree to using one lawyer. Further information can be found on our Resolution Together Homepage.
Who would be our lawyer?
Fiona Moffat and Adrian Rose are both experienced Family Law solicitors. Fiona is also collaboratively trained and Adrian is a Family Mediator. They will work together with you to achieve the desired outcome, tailoring their advice for your specific circumstances and, if needed, they will draw expertise from other professionals such as financial advisers, counsellors, consultants and even barristers.
How does this process differ to mediation?
Mediation focuses on negotiation and resolving conflict. Mediators cannot give legal advice. Under the Resolution Together framework, the lawyer can give legal advice but cannot negotiate or resolve conflict.
Will I have the opportunity to take independent legal advice if I want to?
Yes, always. You can always take advice if you are unsure of what is being proposed is in your best interests.
Who regulates this?
Resolution Together lawyers are regulated by the SRA and follow the Resolution code of conduct.
What if there is a conflict of interest?
If there is a conflict of interest, his framework isn’t for you. We can help you find a suitable alternative.
How much will it cost?
Our initial screening interview costs £300 + VAT. Following this initial meeting and gathering information about you, your partner, finances and any children, we will be able to give you an indication of how much your separation or divorce will cost.
What if Resolution Together is not for me? What other options are available?
Resolution Together will not be for all separating or divorcing couples. We offer a comprehensive range of Family Law legal services including family mediation and collaborative law as well as the more traditional advice and representation in the Family Courts, each being tailored to the individual client and their specific circumstances.
Who else will/ can you work with?
We may involve other professionals who can be relied upon to give independent advice and options including, but not limited to, Accountants, Financial Advisors, Valuers, Barristers, Pensions Experts etc.
How long will the process take?
We’d estimate between 2-4 months but the actual pace will depend on the two parties.
How quickly can I book an initial meeting?
You can book an initial meeting by calling our team on freephone 0800 011 6666. We are usually able to get new clients booked in within 7 – 10 days.
Other Questions
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about Resolution Together, please feel free to contact Fiona or Adrian on freephone 0800 011 6666.
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