Resolution Together is a new way of working that allows lawyers to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, about separation or a divorce. It has been spearheaded by Resolution, an organisation which promotes a non-confrontational approach to resolving family disputes, of which Timms’ Fiona Moffat and Adrian Rose are members.
This approach will help to reduce the total fees spent by couples who are separating or divorcing and they will not fall victim to the slow progress of an application through the Court system.
Fiona Moffat is managing partner and an experienced family law solicitor and collaborative lawyer at Timms. She said: “As members of Resolution, we are committed to new ways of working to minimise conflict and promote a constructive approach to family separation.
“Resolution Together is a fully regulated evolution in services and is flexible to the needs of our clients. It is not an alternative to current practice but another option available to help couples achieve their shared objectives without the conflict and costs of going to court.
“Our Family Law experts will use a high level of professional assessment and judgement throughout to ensure that all parties are represented according to their needs and wishes in in their individual and joint best interests.
Timms’ partner, family law solicitor and Resolution-trained mediator Adrian Rose continued: “Resolution Together is a welcome approach to help couples reach lasting agreements and minimise conflict for them and any children they may have.
“With the introduction of no-fault divorce and, for the first time, the opportunity to make a joint application that came with it, demand for this type of approach is only going to increase.
“By listening and working openly and collaboratively with our clients, this is therefore another option available to help seek workable outcomes for the benefit of all parties.”
Timms is one of a very small number of legal practices across the country who are able to offer a comprehensive range of family law services and a number of different approaches to separation and divorce now including Resolution Together, family mediation and collaborative law as well as the more traditional advice and representation in the Family Courts, each being tailored to the individual client and their specific circumstances.
Media enquiries: Sarah Jenkin-Jones, JJPR, Tel: 01332 515102; 07951 945665; sarah@jjpublicrelations.co.uk