How Can I Help?
I am a Solicitor and Family Mediator within the Family Department based at our Derby and Burton offices. However, I am happy to see clients at any of our offices.
As a solicitor, I advise clients following separation and on divorce. I help them to reach agreements and represent them in the Family Court, whether those are in respect of their children or their money. I also assist clients with relationship planning, dealing with the preparation of pre-nuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements and declarations of trust.
As a mediator, I help couples reach negotiated agreements without going to court and work with them to achieve the best outcomes for their family.
I hope that by being approachable yet professional and having worked in the family justice system for many years, I am able to provide both sound advice and practical information to enable clients to understand complex legal processes and make fully informed decisions about their future.
My Experience
I went to the University of Sheffield where I completed my Law Degree, followed by my Solicitors Qualifications at Nottingham Trent University. I then did my training contract with a Lincoln firm where I qualified as a solicitor in 1995. In 1997, I returned to my native Derbyshire. I then worked for Derbyshire firms before joining a national firm where I became head of their family department before joining Timms.
Over the years, I have represented families in all levels of the Family Court and dealt with complex children cases and financial cases involving substantial and business, pension and overseas assets both as a solicitor and family mediator. My legal and mediation work has in the past been accredited by the Law Society and Resolution.
I am also a former trustee of Relate and practice consultant and mentor for other family mediators.
How Long Have I Been Part Of The Team?
I joined Timms’ family team in September 2018. Here, as well as being a solicitor and family mediator, I am the training principal which means I have the responsibility for the training and development of our trainees and other members of staff. This is something I enjoy a great deal.
Fun Fact About Me
That I cannot bear fun facts!
To get in touch or find out more about how we can help, please don't hesitate to contact me on a.rose@timms-law.com. Alternatively, visit the family law page of our website here.