The Storyline

If you are a regular reader of the Timms blogs, you will remember that last year I wrote an article on the unrealistic depiction of social workers on television programmes. This blog is really a follow on from that article, as this week I have been following the story line of Abi and Imran in Coronation Street, whose new-born son, Alfie, is subject to care proceedings.  You can read the full blog here. There are many inaccuracies within the portrayal of this storyline that are at odds with reality.

The Unreal Depiction Of Social Workers In The Show...

Firstly, viewers will be aware that when Imran decided to stop acting for Abi, he hired a friend Barrister called Will. Will conveniently also represented Leanne Battersby in a huge storyline concerning withdrawal of medical treatment last year. There have been many discussions in the show about how Abi is affording to pay Will, with Imran revealing that he is paying his costs. This is entirely unrealistic. Anyone whose child is the subject of public law proceedings is entitled to free legal aid. This is regardless of a person’s financial circumstances. Abi would be no different, she would instruct a Solicitor who would then possibly instruct a Barrister like Will to represent her at the Court hearings. Abi would certainly not have to foot these costs.

Secondly, I noted within the Court hearing that the only people present were the Judge, Abi, who was represented by the father Imran (huge conflict of interests) and the Local Authority solicitor. There was no social worker present, which in real life, would not be the case at a hearing where the parents are contesting the care plan. There was also no Children’s Guardian there to represent what is in Alfie’s best interests. In public law proceedings, a child is represented by a Children’s Guardian. This is someone independent of the Local Authority. The Children’s Guardian then appoints a solicitor who puts forward the Guardian’s view to the Court. At this hearing there was no Guardian present, which certainly would not happen in real life.

My Views

I continue to be perplexed by Imran and how he acts as Solicitor for anyone on the street, for whatever legal problem that they have. Whilst I wholeheartedly accept that there are many solicitors who practice in different areas, Imran certainly does appear to be able to do absolutely anything, even some extremely complex cases, which would definitely require a level of expertise.

In essence, there is real lack of reality in how these proceedings are being portrayed on Coronation Street. Whilst television programmes such as Coronation Street seek to portray the gritty reality of these types of situations. As shown in this storyline it isn’t always showing what really happens on the ground and is often very unrealistic.

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