Child Arrangement Disputes

Disputes involving children can be sensitive and complex, and our team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers will ensure that you are given the best support and legal advice available.

Whether it’s regarding parental separation and living arrangements, childcare or adoption, you can rely on Timms to find solutions that suit the specific needs of your family. When relations break down between you and your partner, protecting your children is our priority. Our experience and expertise in family law best places us to advise and represent you across all aspects of childcare and upbringing.

Child Arrangement Disputes

When parents choose to separate, it can be a challenging time for their children too. In an ideal world, people reach agreements regarding arrangements quickly and painlessly, with no legal battles and no court orders. However, due to the emotional nature of divorce or dissolution, this is not always possible.

Legal arrangements can be daunting for children, particularly when they are too young to understand the concept of parental separation. Even when older, the sudden changes caused by separation can still be confusing and challenging for children.

Our family lawyers are regularly involved in resolving disputes as efficiently and quickly as possible. In appropriate cases, this will be to recommend amicable and supportive routes, such as family mediation. However, where these are not appropriate – for example, where agreements are not possible, where orders protecting your child from harm or other emergency orders are needed, we can guide you through the various court orders and represent you in court where necessary.

The children’s best interests remain the priority at all times. It could be, amongst many things, agreeing where they will live and the time spent with each parent – child arrangements orders – where the child will go to school, holidays abroad or matters relating to their upbringing – specific issue and prohibited steps orders. Whether it’s advising parents, grandparents other family members, our family lawyers will work with you to achieve the best outcome.

How Timms Can Help

If you would like to discuss your options with one of our specialist family lawyers, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Alternatively you can reach us by phone on 0800 011 6666.