Help Prevent An Incapacity Crisis

A recent report prepared by the organisation Solicitors for the Elderly suggests that the UK is facing an incapacity crisis.
This is due to the rising number of people living longer, the prevalence of conditions such as dementia and the lack of people planning ahead.
Although many people are now making provision for their property and financial affairs, not enough are considering the issues surrounding health and care should they no longer be able to make their own decisions through mental incapacity.
Over half of the population believe that their next of kin can make health and care decisions for them if they do not have the mental capacity to make those decisions themselves.
Unfortunately this is not the case – only medical professionals have the authority to make the final medical decisions for you, with or without the consent of your family, In the event of a dispute then the issue would be referred to the Court of Protection.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can be made in respect of both property and finances and health and care. A health and care LPA enables your attorney(s) to make decisions such as whether you receive life sustaining treatment or whether you are cared for at home or in a residential setting.
By making a health and care LPA, you can make your wishes clear and give your attorneys the guidance and authority to act for you.
Take action now and give me a call to see how I can assist you or a loved one. Feel free to call me on 01332 364436 or email
Jo Robinson
July 2018

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