What is Injury Prevention Day?
Every year on the third Wednesday in August The Association for Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) launches a campaign called the Injury Prevention Day. The aim of the campaign is to prevent needless injuries by getting people to think about what they can do to help prevent harm.
This year the Injury Prevention Day will take place on 21st August 2019 and APIL are focusing on sharing safe driving tips or mottos that have stuck with people and have helped them be better and safer drivers. They are calling this ‘driving lessons’ and the main aim is to raise awareness on road safety and what we can do to increase those safety measures for our selves and others and ultimately prevent needless injuries.
How our minds work...
Whilst attending a recent event, something which really stuck with me was when Consultant Psychiatrist Professor Steve Peters, gave a talk about how our minds work and how we can help to control them.
During his talk he asked the audience: “Do you amber gamble?”
Your brain tells you that you should stop. But so many of us chance it and run the amber light, because we think we still have plenty of time to get through before the lights turn red; maybe we are in a rush and we just cannot afford to wait that extra few minutes sitting at the lights.
But those extra few minutes of waiting could mean saving somebody’s life. When you drive ahead this can have far reaching consequences.
Professor Peters was faced with a patient who had done just that. His patient had driven through amber lights only to kill a young person. Professor Peters explained how he helped this person deal with the horrific consequences of a decision they made in a split second and which could have been avoided.
Professor Peters went on to make the point that we are risking far too much by not controlling our brain.
Spread the word...
You can share your messages on social media at @APIL on Twitter and on APIL's Back Off Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/APILBackOff.
Last year’s Injury Prevention Day focused on calling on drivers and passengers to protect themselves against whiplash injuries by ensuring that their head rests are adjusted correctly. You can see my blog from last year for further details by clicking on the following link: InjuryPrevention Day 2018
I have been a member of APIL for over 10 years now.
APIL's members are committed to campaigning for reform to improve the law for injured people so that when the worst happens; people can exercise their right to seek justice, care and fair compensation. But we would all prefer for people not to be injured needlessly in the first place.
How Can Timms Help?
If however, you have been unfortunate enough to be injured in an accident and you would like some advice on pursuing a Personal Injury Claim, please contact Natasha Layton on 01332 364436 or legal@timms-law.com